

By Geoffrey Wright

Roger stared sightlessly out the kitchen window during his mother's tirade, his brown eyes soft with a weary patience. ". . . whatever's between you and Theodore is unnatural, monstrous..." Each syllable hissed out between clenched jaws and trembling lips. "I heard all about him right after he came to live with us." She paused, rattling breakfast dishes in the sink. "It would have been better for him if he had never left Dunesville... he and that artist friend of his..."

Roger's lips moved, shaping words he would not say, while Anna stormed on. "Well... he's out of the house now, and out for good! And if I ever hear of you having anything more to do with him, it'll be a bad day for you. I'll turn you out like I did him, and don't think I can't arrange it! My first son grew up a MAN
